Personal Training In Qi Gong And Yoga


There are many pieces of the puzzle to healing and building resilience. Small key changes can make a big difference! We like to form a partnership with you to look at your day-to-day lifestyle habits – your sleep, hydration, work, movement, food – to discern what may or may not be serving you, remembering that you are the expert on your body. For the movement part, how you exercise and how you move to benefit your health is individual and depends on many factors including but not limited to stress level, age, digestive health, season, and physical tendencies.

There are different methods addressing movement (such as yoga, qi gong, breath work and meditation) that can help the healing process and boost your resilience on many different levels – physical, emotional and energetic. For example, improving your breathing brings more oxygen to all the cells in your body. Coupling breath work with yogic dynamic movements or static postures enhances your physiological and affects all systems of the body, such as your cardiovascular, fascia, muscular, digestive, nervous and lymphatic systems. This all helps to balance your body with the wonderful side effects of improved sleep, better processing and absorbing of nutrients, increased ridding of unwanted substances and emotions trapped in the body, clearer emotional stability and more.

Let’s explore together.
We will be with you every step of the way.

Qi Gong

Love energy is the most powerful healing energy in the world. When you practice Spring Forest Qigong, you bring this energy of love into your life and to the lives of others, creating a happy, joy-filled life and building good health and wellness. A qigong practice helps the qi (energy) in the body flow freely so the body stays in balance and healthy, which helps prevent energy blockages. It can also help to heal energy blockages when the body is sick.

Spring Forest Qigong is designed to be very simple to learn and practice, yet very powerful in its benefits. SFQ is a practice of breathing, focusing your mind, doing very simple body movements, and meditating. Master Lin, creator of Spring Forest Qigong, has blended these components together into a system that is so simple yet so very powerful to assist you to heal on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.


The vision of Master Lin, creator of Spring Forest Qigong is: A healer in every home and a world without pain and suffering.