
“Meditation is the art of relaxing your body and quitting your mind. Meditation is learning to still your thoughts for 15 minutes. Through meditation you will learn to distinguish the voice of Higher Self from other voices in your mind. The voice of intuition is subtle, consistent, and calming. It will show you how to create new beginnings. Listen to it and you will always feel satisfied.”  ~Sonia Choquette

Meditation can help you to relax and reduce stress, strengthen the immune system, improve concentration, experience inner peace, slow biological aging, order thought processes, and enjoy life more fully. Meditation is taking time off to reflect and focus on your inner self. Someone once said that if prayer was talking to God, then mediation was listening to the answer.

Our team will help you create a meditation practice around the needs of your body as part of your custom daily routine. We also offer ongoing group meditations and energy healing workshops.

Please contact the center for more information.