About The Founder

Vera Sacks

Vera Sacks is a Holistic Health care practitioner who specializes in Vibrational medicine and Bio Energetics. She provides personal consultations in functional disturbances of body organs, body-chemistry imbalances, allergy testing, food and dietary supplement sensitivity and deficiencies.

Vera identifies areas of energetic imbalances to locate the root cause of a patient’s health concerns and exposes past, current or pre-existing conditions that may affect the body and designs a program to meet her patients’ individualized needs.

Vera Sacks is trained and certified in Bio-Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, Soluna Spagyrik Medicine, Bio Magnetism, Bio Energetics, Organic Nutrition, Herbs, Tissue Cell Salts, Gemmotherapy, Oligotherapy, Bach Flower Essences, Color and Sound Healing, Kinesiology, 5 Element Healing, Chakra Evaluation and Balancing, and Luba Levin’s Share Healing System.

“Once disease is visible through traditional testing procedures, it is usually difficult to reverse the condition. At the stage of electrical imbalance we can reverse the condition even before symptoms appear. This is truly preventative medicine and the very essence of modern medical science.”